“Elana.” I get a call from a woman. “What should I do? I’m so tired! Is there anything that I can take or do?”
I hear this all the time.
When a person is exhausted what should they do?
I have a novel idea…rest! Yes, rest and sleep!
Of course when you find yourself tired it’s always a good idea to check your iron, B12, and vitamin D levels as well as your thyroid (TSH, T3 and T4) which can be causes of fatigue. But most women are tired because they don’t sleep enough and they are doing too much. It is wonderful when you are exhausted and drop into bed feeling fulfilled and accomplished. That’s why we are here-to work in avodat kodesh-holy work, to learn and to grow. But we’re not here to make ourselves sick; to push and to push and to push until we drop or become irritated, depressed, or physically ill.
The blessing says that God יָצַר את האדם בְּחָכְמָה, created man with wisdom. What is the wisdom He created us with?
The wisdom that when the body says you are tired; you need to rest. When you are hungry, you need to eat. When you are thirsty you need to drink, etc. Tapping into this wisdom and taking care of your body is avodat kodesh- holy work because it's part of the process (hishtadlut) that enables you to do.
I hear this all the time.
When a person is exhausted what should they do?
I have a novel idea…rest! Yes, rest and sleep!
Of course when you find yourself tired it’s always a good idea to check your iron, B12, and vitamin D levels as well as your thyroid (TSH, T3 and T4) which can be causes of fatigue. But most women are tired because they don’t sleep enough and they are doing too much. It is wonderful when you are exhausted and drop into bed feeling fulfilled and accomplished. That’s why we are here-to work in avodat kodesh-holy work, to learn and to grow. But we’re not here to make ourselves sick; to push and to push and to push until we drop or become irritated, depressed, or physically ill.
The blessing says that God יָצַר את האדם בְּחָכְמָה, created man with wisdom. What is the wisdom He created us with?
The wisdom that when the body says you are tired; you need to rest. When you are hungry, you need to eat. When you are thirsty you need to drink, etc. Tapping into this wisdom and taking care of your body is avodat kodesh- holy work because it's part of the process (hishtadlut) that enables you to do.